Faith Technologies takes on the market of services and multimedia tests for cell phones

Released on = March 9, 2006, 2:28 am

Press Release Author = Agn�s Chatelard/ Le Public Systeme

Industry = Telecommunications

Press Release Summary = Specialized in the development of advanced audio technology,
Faith Technologies is now positioning itself on the market for services and
multimedia tests for cell phones by using its expertise in the value chain of mobile

Press Release Body = Paris, March 9th, 2006: Faith Technologies, one of the world's
leading global provider in audio and mobile technology development, is starting 2006
with a new growth strategy in France and in Europe.Faith Technologies is expanding
its offer with innovative tests and services.

This unique approach takes into account the market's rapid and ongoing expansion,
and is expected to cover most of the latest multimedia features enabled by emerging
bearer technology -3/3.5G...- that allows manufacturers to make certain the flawless
delivery by their terminals of commercial digital media contents available on the
market, and carriers to be confident in the full integration of a unique user
experience into the mobile devices. These contents including � mobile music � which
continues to be in high demand, can literally shift gears of multimedia service
traffics to the next level hence allow manufacturers and carriers to achieve their

The French and European mobile phone markets have almost reached their saturation
point in terms of penetration by exceeding 70 % of the population. In order to
continue with their development, operators can take two significant approaches:
. Develop new service capable applications and technologies
. Improve the quality of the user experience to increase data transaction and raise
the ARPU:
Faith Technologies' offering addresses the needs of both strategies. Faith
Technologies is the world's expert in mobile audio experience covering enabling
technology, implementation content creation tooling, consulting and support. Not to
forget Faith group global entities include many of the main multimedia service
providers in various regions, from which Faith Technologies, as a member of the
Faith group, accumulates its multimedia distribution service know-how.

Three Major Areas of Expertise:

. Multimedia technology research and development; Terminal embedded solutions,
server applications.
. Multimedia related consulting services; Carriers, MVNO, MVNE, Content Providers.
. Device testing: Manufacturers, Carriers, MVNO, MVNE, Content providers
For the three years to come, Faith Technologies will essentially aim at expanding
both its consulting and testing activities. Device testing has become crucial as
supply and demand are constantly growing in terms of multimedia enabling products
and services. Mobile phone manufacturers have to ensure that the products they
develop go along with the various multimedia services demanded from the market; as
for the operators, they must guarantee that the services provided can function on
any cell phone, and with any protocol, and at the same time they will need to target
higher data ARPU transaction in order to grow further. Faith Technologies delivers a
wide spectrum of advantages that maximize its chances to establish itself on the
European market which remains a very dynamic industry.

A technology that adapts to different mobile platforms:

Faith Technologies, designs and implements hardware and software solutions to expand
the audio functions of cell phones: polyphonic ring tones, audio clips. This company
is with no doubt the world's expert in mobile audio technology and has developed an
� audio engine � that offers multiple rich functions:
. A Synthesizer: A component capable of generating audio signals
. A Wavetable: Short samples are stored, and once combined can be used to recreate a
sound generator's entire spectrum of sounds.
. The synchronization of images, texts and sound effects allowing rich multimedia
features such as animated ringing tones, karaoke applications.
. The connection with 3D audio (surround and positioning) effects delivering an
incredible experience with games on mobile phones.

Wavetable synthesizers developed by Faith Technologies offer all these different
possibilities. The technology provided by Faith Technologies is scalable, and can
adapt to various customizable hardware platforms. Offers from Faith Technologies
would bring explicit advantages to network operators, cell phone manufacturers as
well as MVNO providers and content service providers.

Its clients and partners include many of the mainstream manufacturers, semiconductor
vendors, hardware manufacturers, network operators, content service providers. Faith
Technologies works very closely with dozens of clients, and parteners almost the
world's entire mobile phone industry. Regarding the corporation's future, Mr.
Nobuyoshi Nezu, Faith Technologies' CEO, sheds more light on the group's goals by
"Our mission is to develop environment where efficient data services must be
provided. To achieve such a mission, we have enabling technologies and applications,
as well as tools and consulting services to fill the gap between technologies and
services in the market. The newly launched device testing will give more
efficiencies and confidence not only to manufacturers, but also to operators and
content providers for upcoming complexity of multimedia technologies and services."

About Faith Technologies: Part of the Faith Inc. group along with 15 other
companies, Faith Technologies has bases in Paris as well as in Montpellier, and is
comprised of about twenty-five people. The group specializes in the development of
audio technologies as well as multimedia services. Faith Technologies stands out in
three main areas: software development, consulting services and multimedia testing.

For further information please consult
Press contact:
Faith Technologies
Sarah Wanquet
T�l : 01 45 02 00 45

Le Public Systeme
Agn�s Chatelard/ Marieme Diop
T�l : 01 41 34 18 48/49

Web Site =

Contact Details = Press contact:
Faith Technologies
Sarah Wanquet
T�l : 01 45 02 00 45

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